The night is over. The stage is now silenced. The crowds are gone. All that's left are the tattered remnants of a season of summer excitement. Pieces of crumpled paper are lazily blowing across the dirty concrete walkways, empty cups are scattered everywhere. The night is quiet and calm. A bittersweet end to a tumultuous summer. There is only silent scuffling of the last few exhausted staff members dragging their feet as they walk down that mist covered boardwalk for the final time this summer. It is September and it's time to go. Back to school, back to the monotony of a day job, back to the real world. Many friendships and relationships started and ended within these gates. There are stories to tell and secrets to keep but for now it's time to go….
This summer has left me feeling torn between reason and reality. Wrestling with the perception of right and wrong. Boundaries are everywhere, waiting to be broken or begging to be respected? Is it better to be the voice of reason? Is it better to be the shoulder to cry on? Is it better to be the friend in need, the 'reliable one'? I supposed it is. Inside I know it is. Still, I sit here wishing that just once I could be the one that was able to ignore the rules, break free, break the chains, chew through the ropes and run through life, uninhibited, open and vulnerable. Just once……… (or maybe twice)